Monday, March 9, 2009


Hey Y'all! I am in a fight. I don't know who will read this and not to sound funny but, I don't care. I have been learning more about spiritual attacks and I must say that the more I learn the more I see.

The biggest thing that I notice is that the demonic forces are trying to attack my marriage. Before anyone gets the wrong idea, I ain't cheating and don't think she is, lol. I know she is not!
We have been through a lot though and I can tell when the attacks come. It starts with arguing for nothing or over little things, we have trouble seeing the other persons point of view no matter how simple, it seems to be a lack of unity, other things don't seem to go as we planned out previously, and most of all the Holy spirit confirms it with what I call a gut feeling.

For anyone that goes through any of this you should realize that you may be under an attack. The one thing that has blessed our marriage and kept us together through the madness is that we have God. I am not saying that my wife is perfect nor am I saying that I am perfect. We still have issues that we deal with and I will not give the devil anything to grab by saying what they are, but let it be known that we are not perfect. The thing that holds us together is that we both understand what an attack is and we both believe that we can rebuke and cast out any demonic force that is attempting to grab us. Even when we don't recognize it at the time, we are grounded enough to walk away and pray and then we talk about the attack.

It did not always start out that way and I guess what I am saying is that I am happy to know God. I love my wife dearly and I thank God for my better half. For those of you who are married and you find yourself going through things like this, PRAY. Get on one accord and Pray!

I may add more to this, but for now I am tired of typing mainly because I am a hen-pecker, lol!